Our Vision

We believe that children can change the world, that children have an innate desire to learn, and that social and emotional development is the foundation for learning.

Our vision is to empower our children and the people who surround them to live in peace and service to the world.

This is the world we want to create and the world that we work for every day at Lighthouse Montessori School. We hope this is a world you are also excited to be part of creating.

  • Simple Rules

    lead to congruence in complex systems, like schools. These are the rules that guide our decisions:

  • 1. Listen with curiosity,

    instead of making our own assumptions, in times of conflict and celebration.

  • 2. Wait and watch.

    We are aware and responsive, yet we give the space needed for trial and error to unfold.

  • 3. Move towards each other.

    We share our experiences when they are great and when they are hard. We choose connecting in all our states, because we believe vulnerability builds trust and community.

  • 4. Search for the true need.

    We understand that humans are most resilient and open when their basic and core needs are fulfilled. When we see big emotions, we will look with compassion for the basic needs they point towards.